
Migrating my blog page hits to CountAPI

CountAPI is an API service which allows you to create numeric counters for free.


It’s really useful if you want to implement a counter for your application without using a database. These are some of the things you can do with it:

  • Create a counter and restrict its operations
  • Reset the value of a counter
  • Increment/Decrement a counter

The sole disadvantage is that it does not yet support private counters, but you may define namespaces for your counters, which reduces the likelihood of your counter colliding with another counter.

According to its documentation, each counter is identified inside a namespace with a key. The namespace should be unique, and it’s recommended that you use your domain name as the namespace to reduce or prevent conflicts.


The API has endpoints which you use to store your data.

  • hits

    The hits endpoint provides an increment by one counter directly. Each time the endpoint is requested, it increases the counter by one.
    => {"value":187464219}

    It is recommended to replace namespace with your domain name or a unique name and key with a unique name. For example, the key can be the slug to your blog posts.

  • get

    The get endpoint is used for retrieving data from the API. It only returns the current value but doesn’t increment or decrement the value.

    Here’s an example which uses the get endpoint.
  • set

    This endpoint is used for setting the value for a key.
    => {"old_value":10096,"value":10096}
  • create

    This endpoint is used for creating a new key.
    => {"namespace":"", "key":"33606dbe-4800-4228-b042-5c0fb8ec8f08", "value":42}

There are many more endpoints but this is where I will reach, you can reach out to its documentation page for more.

Migrating My Data

Since I was already storing my page hit counts in an SQLite database, I had to move it to the API and this is how I did it. I first used an SQLite viewer to view all the blog posts and their page hit in a tabular form, then I used the create endpoint to insert all the data. Aaanddd that was all.

Integrating It Into My Blog

After adding all the existing data, it was now time to show the data inside the blog page. Since am using Svelte, I make a fetch request to the hit endpoint to get the data, then I display it.

Here’s the code.

onMount(async () => {
    //Get the page hits count from the api if the mode is production
    if (mode === 'production') {
        let hits_response = await fetch(`${metadata.slug}`);
        let hit = await hits_response.json();
        hits = await hit.value;


So, that’s another way to make a page hit counter 😄.